This is an advance feature and may end up moving assets to the wrong place. Use it at your own risk. Grab a transaction from a dApp and reconfigure it to move assets out of any protocol directly to your safe wallet.
Connect your compromised wallet and safe wallet at Step 1.Grab the payload from the website using Solflare wallet at Step 2. How?Phantom does support the payload feature as well.
First, enable it from Settings > Developer Settings > Enable Copy Transaction.
Then, on the site you wanting to grab the payload, trigger the transaction prompt and you'll find the Copy Transaction button in the Advanced section.
Add, move or delete instructions at Step 3, to make more advanced scenarios that would fail for bricked wallets or else. Also modify the accounts being used on each instruction to fix issues from the simulation.ALWAYS check the result of the simulation at Step 4 and VERIFY the account changes are showing increments on accounts your SAFE wallet is the authority (for tokens), or the owner (for SOL). If any account is not owned by yourself and shows an increment, your tokens will land in the WRONG WALLET.Send the transaction and approve on both wallets.Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions.